Tuesday, 30 December 2008
* Countdown begins *
It's that time again....
* out with the old, in with the new.
* Starting afresh with a new leaf
* better luck, better days, better outlook
* charge ahead & grab the bull by the horns
* time to stand up for yourself ~ speak up!
* Christmas aftermath *
It's the sixth day of Christmas where it ends with six geese a laying I think. Guess I missed the five golden rings, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. Heh heh heh!!!
Thursday, 25 December 2008
* Season's Greetings *
It's Christmas...have a Blessed one.
The new year is approachin...may it be happy with bountiful health n wealth. ;)
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
* pain blog ~ part 2 *
Thursday, 20 November 2008
* pain blog *
Right this is going to sound really off but then again, I am kinda loco....
I had fallen on my back about 23 minutes ago, kinda 'flup!' but my right hand had to do a smack down ( palm downwards ) first just before my back kissed the floor. It was a weird feeling as I went down kinda slow motion.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
* silent comrades *
Saturday, 18 October 2008
* Shout! *
I got this cute fella from my cousin in Perth.
He'll make you smile for sure.
* big big grin *
Friday, 3 October 2008
* designing my garden *
Looking at my plants lately, I told myself that I had better start pruning and spraying fertilizer etc asap. It's the Raya holidays and I am stuck indoors doing housework!
Let's see.....I've been clearing, cleaning, discovering, stowing, rearranging,So I moved it out to my living room as a table top and conversation piece. No worries, I draped an old designed curtain material with nice pictures in each bamboo square...to give the feeling of my mum's younger days.
Feeling bit flustered, I walked to the front door for a quick peek at my two very very quiet heroes. One was asleep at the door, the smaller one was under the car. However, something else caught my eye, leaves and bits of tiny branches were scattered on the floor. They were from this scraggly shrub I liked but had very little success at getting it to grow out nicely.
Taking a closer look, I was dismayed to see there was not much left of the remaining few branches and peering behind me were the lone ranger and tonto! Guzz realised what I was about to do and stayed there to help me lure the smaller one closer (what a buddy!). As I caught the small fella, he started to struggle and pull away, averting his eyes from the very thing he was going to be reprimanded for! I had not even said a word and he knew! Guilty lor....
He struggled to pull away and when I grabbed his body to hold him in better position and also not to injure him, he starts to give this blood curdling growl and snaps his baby fangs in a state of panic! There we were, owner and pup; me trying to get him to stay and he trying not to stay. His teeth are so sharp especially at this age, I could feel a few slashes in my left hand and wrist.
Finally I shouted at him, startling him into staring at me for awhile before continuing his dance. Another shout and a few more to get him to listen, he sits quietly while I chide him but he makes sure his head is facing anywhere but the shrub.
Frankly, I do not know whether to stay angry or laugh or thank him. You see, I was just telling myself this morning that I will have to prune this particular shrub very soon and tonto here did just that. Well, not the proper way of course but I guess it would be one of the things he aspires to do besides designing my slippers.
As for those thin sharp slashes from him, I am seriously thinking of calling him Fangs! First he tried them on my slippers and simultaneously on my internet cable wire (which I found in 3 parts!), Guzz's house platform, clothes pegs, a pot of plant that now stands empty, me....
Fangs. Mmmm........
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
* Cake Connections *
Regarding my recent cake marathon blog, there are a couple of ladies I would like to thank. Without them my buttercream fiasco would have been a disaster as I would have panicked and given up after failing so many times.
Crumb coating and later frosting the cake was no easy task for a novice like me. Baking lessons for me were mainly from friends, family
Sunday, 28 September 2008
* cakes marathon! *
I just got home from a very dear friend's house. We've known each other since kindergarten! It's her birthday, well...today i.e. but we were at her place I guess you would say yesterday, considering it is now 0142hours.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
* designer in the house *
Sunday, 21 September 2008
* who's that dog? *
Thought I'll leave you with these two cute videos of the pup taken on day 4 with me. It was the first time I finally heard any sounds from him. He was annoyed with the dog that kept staring at him each time he came into the room.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
* Hallelujah! *
I have a rule. I do not blog or share any personal matters online but today, I'm going to make the exception because I believed and it happened and I am so happy.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
* doggie sense *
Recently I blogged about a pup I rescued. Well, it took 4 days when I finally heard him do a playful growl at Guzz. Since then....he's been gaining his confidence daily and his colours are beginning to show.
He still wavers whenever I call him, thinks a couple of times to come or not. There is no hesitation if he knows food is the reason. Yet, when he does come, he enjoys the rubs around his ears and body and starts to rub himself up against me for more....something like a cat does. Haha..
He is smart. Never runs out the front gate, backs away towards the house as soon as the auto gate moves. Guess he realises he's in a better place and he was not going to be caught out on the other side of the gate.
He adores Guzz, who was not very happy with him at first. You can hear Guzz giving short warning growls every now and then followed by little puppy returns. Guzz is the only one he wags his tail into a frenzy to. I only get it when I get home from school or just before I set down his food bowl!
All in all, he is a lovely fella. We are still working on his trust issues but he is very good at routine. He's been sleeping in my room since he came because I was not sure how he'd be all night outside with Guzz being so grumpy. So every night as I am ready to close that glass door, he sits behind me watching and soon as it's shut, he heads to the room.
In the morning, he heads straight to the glass door, tail wagging, excited as hell.
1. Greets Guzz.
2. Goes to pee.
3. Bugs Guzz for awhile.
4. He gets back in for his breakfast.
5. Out with Guzz till forever if he can.
Ironically whenever I am home, he checks back in every 45mins or so and quietly watches me to see what I am doing. He would peer from behind the wall first before he thinks it's worth coming nearer to further investigate. If food is involved, he sits nearby otherwise he's out with Guzz once more.
Guzz has gotten used to the idea of him staying and has shown signs of actually enjoying playing with him. I was watching telly the other day and I could hear the two of them doing a whole series of grunts and sneezes and barks, growls, snarls,etc right around above my head. I was lying on the floor and these jokers were just behind me. I turned around and there was Guzz standing there with his jaw open and the little fella's head was in there! Not only was he able to turn his head in different angles whilst in there but he was absolutely enjoying himself. It reminded me of the circus act where the lion tamer puts his head into his lion's open jaws.
So there's the story of my two circus acts. The big brother and the little happy fella who is at this moment snoozing peacefully by my side after a gruelling session with Guzz earlier.
Little fella still does not have a name and I am cracking my head to give him a good one. We made jokes referring to his lameness but no. The vet said whatever fractures he had in his hinds have healed and though not correctly so but he is still able to walk without much problems. His lower back too had suffered the same fate and you can see his back stoops a little as he walks. As for the suspect injured ribs, she said nothing can be done but lots of rest and they'll heal on their own. Other than that she said he's good. Gave him a jab and some lotion to treat his bad skin and he's looking better and better everyday.
He needs to exercise his legs to strengthen them and she said swimming is the best. Mmmm......don't have a pool or big bucket. Maybe will have to invest in a wading kids' pool? Hahaha...
He now uses both back legs when he walks. Running, he is a 3 legged dog, using his hinds as one. Rarely I see him drag one back leg but he is trying to be as normal as any other pup and he is for sure loving his new found friend and home.
He has started barking at the neighbours and visitors. Pretty fearsome sounding coming from the shorty. I once heard the neighbour telling him off for barking at her and he barked back after every sentence! It definitely was a two way conversation going on there. :)
Monday, 18 August 2008
* tugging at my heart strings *
I work in a kindergarten just behind my place and walking is of course the best and most economical reason compared to driving. As for the exercise bit, it hardly works up any sweat cos I am there within eight minutes tops.
One morning as I was nearing the school, I could hear a puppy's cry for help. It sounded as if it was coming from the huge drains just across from the school. I went in and the teacher told me a pup had fallen in.
So I went there and true enough, there was this little fella crying its lungs out for its mother to come get him. Mother was meantime walking up and down the length of the drain and saw me near her pup. She came and I spoke gently to her, clicking assuringly to let her know I meant no harm.
I gingerly held both sides of the drain and swung my feet into the deep drain. Standing in it, only my head was barely visible over the top. Imagine what a drop it had been for the little fella!
Moving slowly so as not to scare the fella, I reached it and quickly carried it up over the edge and placed it on the grass just as it turned its head around and barely missed my hand with its teeth in between a snarl. So much for gratitude.
The mother seemed grateful and they happily ran off together.
The next day, the same thing happened, twice and this time when I hesitated the second time, mother stood there and barked at me to hurry up! And to my surprise, it was a different pup.
We later discovered there were actually four pups altogether. I also noticed a few odd things I had to admire them for. When mother left them in a spot to scavenge for food, they stayed within the space she left them. One of them woke up once to find himself alone and started to howl for its mother and siblings. I came out thinking it had fallen into the drain but eventually I found it under a parked car.
The moment it saw me peering under the car, it clamped up, curled into a ball and stayed that way until its mother came back!
Another morning I heard a pup's cry for its mother and I found it in the smaller drain in front of a house's driveway. When it saw me, it stopped and looked away. I lifted the iron grill that covered the drain but it immediately walked deeper in where I could not reach it. Of course, it also snarled and snapped at me and I could see its tiny little sharp teeth. Sigh....I never could get it out and left it there.
Next day, I saw it out on the curb with its mother who seemed elated seeing me. I stroked the mother while the pup growled softly to warn me from touching it. By this time, we were wondering where the others were cos there was no sign of them for ages.
I noticed the pup's hind legs did not look normal. They seemed too relaxed as if lame. I suspected it was either due to the falls in the drain or someone's tyres had lightly rolled over them. I felt my heart strings tug and that was when my mind started to play with me.
All day I worried about the pup being knocked over as it tried to move around on its front legs, how it got from one place to another. I later found it around the same spot on its own. I walked up to it and just as I gently stroked its back, it slithered into a drain hole. I would have grabbed its tail or legs to get it out but it was growling fiercely and I did not have any protection. So I left and decided to come back for it later.
I prepared a box with two small towels and looked for my gloves that I used at my previous job. This box stayed ready at home.
It was Friday and I had the car by chance for the weekend. I cruised the area when it was not hot as I guessed it would come out from its hidey hole but I never saw it. I tried tailing its mother one day but she went somewhere else instead. I gave her biscuits in a small plastic bag a couple of times. She took the bag gently in her mouth and took it back to her pup to share. She's a good mother. She taught her pups defensive techniques and to stay and wait for her return. Sunday evening I did a few more rounds but no luck. :(
Monday morning I said a prayer that I needed to find that pup and bring it home. I wanted to check its legs and hoped that I would be able to give it a better quality life if I can help its legs be better with some massage therapy. When Guzz's mother first came to our home, one of her hind legs seemed to be limp and the vet told dad to do physio with it and now she runs and walks like any normal dog.
So, a little sad at my bad weekend search, I headed to school. Lo and behold, there was mother walking along the school's shallow drain. The teacher told me that the pup was in the drain and that's when I heard it cry for its mum. I was elated and stroked the mother who came up to me. However, when the little fella saw me, it tucked its tail in between its legs and kinda walked away to hide beneath the little bridge at my school's gate. Of course, it growled as it walked away. I tried to talk to it but it just growled and snarled and curled up quietly.
Mother left to scavenge as our fella fell asleep in that spot. I kept checking to make sure it stayed there and after school, I went out to do an errand with my mum. Upon our return, I enlisted the aid of our help and with box ready on the side, she with a broom and my hands in gloves holding a towel, I waited on one end as she tried to frighten it towards me.
The moment it knew I was waiting on the other end, it tried to go over the broom which freaked out our help as he was quite the growler. I yelled at her to shake the broom and try nudge him back at me. It was this point mother came back and she was getting excited with all the commotion. My help started to panic but I assured her the mother was not going to bite any of us.
For a suspect lame pup, it could escape quite fast from me. Partly cos it was a bit difficult for my two left feet to nimbly run in that uneven drain after it. It was in desperation I threw the towel over its head before scooping it up in my gloved hands and shouting for the box as I got out of the drain. The little fella howled and mother started to bark concern.
Funnily as soon as I placed the little fella into the box, it gave one last yelp and curled up into a ball and shut up! Even when I called its mother to come reassure it, it did not make one squeek. I softly told its mother I was taking her baby home to take care of his legs, to give him a better life. She seemed to understand and enjoyed the stroking from me as I spoke. When I stood up, she just looked at us and stood aside. I said to my mum to drive a little faster as I did not want mother to follow us.
Surprisingly she did not. This got me thinking, 'Maybe her pup being where it was was not a coincidence but her own feelings of assurance knowing I was there to watch over it. I guess she did not think I would take it away from her. I'm sorry but I can only afford to take one home.
From the minute the little fella was placed in the box to my house, it made no sounds. It did not try to climb out of the box nor get up at all. I readied a bigger box and gently tipped it into it. He gave me a suspicious stare as he moved to a corner in bewilderment.
He was afraid of his new surroundings and of the crazy person that kept talking softly to him and patting him on the sides of his face. He wanted his mother but he dared not cry out. However he was beginning to enjoy that patting and his eyes felt heavy. He was getting sleepy but he was still cautious and kept opening his eyes often to make sure his patter was not going to harm him. Sleepy....sooo sleepy.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
* Fluke or Real? *
In my first blog post I mentioned of a probable heart attack if Guzz starts talking to me one day. Well....it didn't quite happen that way today but let's just say I had early angina.
Guzz has been banned from the entering the house for more than two weeks now. Prior to this he was more of the house dog than the watch dog. There were nights when I locked up, he would give me that 'uh uh ' look and sprint into my bedroom, laying in wait with sad eyes as I come round to get him out. Of course, one look and I was emotionally manipulated to let him stay. Sometimes you can see me doing a fitful dance as I fought within myself to let or not let him sleep in!
He has since accepted the fact his indoor priviledges have been revoked and some days he would stand ready to rush in when I am opening the door but backs off when I warn him to forget his intentions. Other times he would just watch me from a distance as if he was not bothered.
So today, my mum and help came awhile and I left the grill slightly ajar. Guzz seized the oppourtunity to sit just inside the entrance on the mat. Pretty soon he was comfortably fast asleep, his nose twitching as he dreamt of whatever dogs dream of.
Later, our help said something and he moved places within the same place and laid his head on his paws almost dozing. She commented on how comfortable he was.
I stood about 4 feet from him and this is what happened.
I said, "Mmm.." (Ahem!) He stirred a bit, slowly lifting his lids a quarter open.
Then I said, "Ah...." (Yes...?!)His eyes opened slightly more and there was a hint of a wag somewhere.
"SO?" (Well..??!!) His tail began to wag harder and he lifted his head slightly in my direction.
"Hor" (Well??!! in a tone higher) He gets up, stretches and smiles at me.
"What?" (What you gonna do?) He turns towards the door and steps out, tail wagging slowly and makes a 360 degrees turn and looks at me.
He yawns while still wagging his tail, a consistent pendulum rhythm and gives me his sad eyes " It was just for a little while..."
I turned to our help and pointed out how he understood my intentions without me actually saying words like get up or go outside, etc.
Then I looked at Guzz, " You know very well what you are not supposed to do yet you tried huh?"
" Don't give me that look and go drink some water. "
Guzz looks at me, yawns again and shifts about.
" I said go drink some water "
He gives me a strange look and slowly turns to his left before walking in that direction. My hair stood a little as I realised he was heading towards his water bowl.
I walked to the doorway and to my * Indescribable feeling * , watched him with incredulity as he drinks from his water bowl! Yes, part of the hairs along my back stood at his reaction to my unspoken words. He knew all along what I was getting at and got back at me by doing exactly what I wanted of him.
Would you call it fluke? Or was it a coincidence? Or is my Guzz really that smart?
Sunday, 3 August 2008
* Caack! Aack! Ssssstttt!!! *
Ok....I had planned on starting with a story of my dog Samo after a long 'hiatus' of sorting out my life and lazy fingers.....BUT... I have to spit this out! It's too much on my mind now.
I have been fighting the cold for a few days now and with the haze outside, it's been very bad. It is quite bad for me because sometimes I feel as if a hundred smokers just left my house after a puff. And the lingering smoke is invading my nostrils and lungs and I honestly, honestly feel as if I'll go into respiratory failure any time as my nose gets so badly stuffed up and the you know what is filling up inside my very sore throat and the cough.....the cough.....sigh....
Anyway, I was taking a shower earlier and just as I closed my eyes to wash the cleanser off my face, I felt something run over my foot! In that split second I tried to reassure myself it was just the itsy bitsy bunch of hair I rinsed off my hands after applying conditioner but trouble is I remember seeing it go down the drain. So in mighty haste I tried to rinse my face clean and open my eyes in almost the same time.
It was as I had suspected, a lone cockcroach had just run off to the side wall, trying to avoid the shower. I grabbed the shower spout off its place and started to spray at it towards the metal cover of the drain hole. As I opened the cover, I nearly fell over when more came out of it!!! I backed away in fright (trust me, it was no easy task as it is not a huge bathroom) and sprayed at them as fast as they came rushing out towards me.
Dumping the shower spout into the sink and believe it or not, I had actually contemplated amidst my fears and fright in that crazy moment, which position would be best so that it would not spray all over the place! I unlatched the door and ran out to get the insect spray. Naked, wet and shampoo dripping from my head, I ran back in and started spraying at them as they rushed to the door. SSssssttttt! Ssstttt!!!SSSttt!! SStt!! There were at least six of them and they immediately turned over, legs waving about in the air. I sssstttt a bit more at them to lessen their suffering and suffocation or whatever.
Standing at the door with the spray can in my hand, I tapped the door just in case one got farther than I expected and then looked at the upturned bodies, I sprayed the metal cover for assurance and started to spray water at the dead bodies towards the drain hole.
Caack! Caacck! I went, the fumes from the spray and the steam from the hot water....got to me as i washed those poor fellas to where they came from. Caacck!! Aack!! I felt my chest was about to explode with the whole combination of insecticide spray and hot water and steam and fright just got me coughing and gagging like crazy for a whole ten minutes.
Of course I had to finish my shower and that's how long I caaccked and aacked till I was able to breathe proper air once I got out of the door. I looked at the spray can and smiled. My hero. Works everytime like a charm.
I finally found a brand that got at them in two bursts. Usually they would turn over, legs kicking in the air and then turn back upright and run away and I would be chasing and spraying some more..... But this one, once makes it fall over. Two, it would be kicking a little before it stops. I would spray another time (at larger ones)to help it die faster as I can't stand to see it struggling. Humane or just to make sure? Mmmm.....
I'm sorry but cockcroaches scare me, especially when they fly! I usually leave the lizards and spiders to wander about with a warning to never come near me or startle me unnecessarily. Yet I cannot offer the same to the cockcroaches. I'd go berserk at the sight of one and you can see me rushing off to the nearest spray can.
So, here I am, safe in my room, safe from these roaches and with my effective spray can parked safely beside me just in case.....:P
Sunday, 13 July 2008
* Honoured Guest *
Last night I attended a dinner organised by my former company. I was surprised when the call came and said yes. More out of curiosity than anything else actually. I had never attended any company dinners before and this was for free. Hahahaha........!
Then I got to thinking who would I see there as it was with all departments and it might be a tad uncomfortable having to sit amongst strangers. Good thing my friend called me. She asked if I received the call cos they called her too. Cool! I said, now we would be able to enjoy the dinner together.
The theme of the night was Light and Easy. Now, the first thing that came to my mind was the radio station! Yeah, yeah..... mmm. Next was casual but not too casual, considering the company's strict dress codes on any other day. Some joked maybe light n easy meant minimal layers and easy to take off! Yeah....right! I settled on a two piece black number that clung loosely to my fat self, lovely black lace embroidery over cotton to give some posh, decent with bit of short sleeves and slightly sexy where it stops just above my knees. Hahahahaha!!! I have since regretted the decision after seeing the pictures sent to me by my friend. I looked like a fat frump in a beautiful suit. Sigh....
On the auspicious night, I arrived there a few minutes before time and noticed a chart for table seatings. I approached one of the lovely ladies at the reception tables and gave my name. She looked a little dismayed slightly later after we both double checked the list and my name was not there! I told her I had immediately confirmed my invitation when the other lady called me. Upon hearing the alleged name, she pulled a face but almost immediately covered with an apologetic face. I kinda know the other person's character quite well, so it did not come to me as a surprise at her carelessness.
I said it was fine but will I still be able to have a place to sit at since I was already there? She immediately smiled and said of course. She apologised for her earlier reaction as they had not brought my souvenirs that night. I said it was fine as long as I had a place to sit. :)
Turning around I saw my friend. I was already slowly berating myself for not paying more attention to detail to my hair and make up. Everyone was decked to the max and I was wishing to jump into the first open hole I could find. Of course, there never are any of these holes when you need them. Sigh......
Anyway, saw quite a number of friends and acquaintances I made over the years and it was especially very tingly when many of them still remembered me. I try to stay below the radar wherever I go, no expectations. So it was very nice. Some had moved on to bigger prospects, opened their own businesses and some still figuring what to do next.
At the start of the dinner, we were told that a few of us were to be taken to the stage for a simple appreciation hand out ceremony. In all the little confusion, I was asked to sit out as my souvenirs were not at hand and it'd be awkward for me to stand there empty handed. Secretly I was thankful for the situation, a little disappointed but happy to sit it out ( remember below the radar?). I was all set to sit back and enjoy the show when the show organiser came up to me and said I will go up with the others. They solved the problem by recycling the souvenirs to the last person receiving! Ah.....err....ok. Thanks. (I think....)
Sometime at the start of the dinner, my friend was missing and when she came back, I asked her where did she go to? She said she'd gone and fought for me to get on stage! The sweet gal had kicked up a ruckus outside with the committee for their carelessness and lacking etiquette at ensuring I would be able to join with the others honoured. She said it was so unfair to get me there and then make me sit out from the ceremony all because someone screwed up ( who till today had not even said hello to me nor apologised for her fatal carelessness). All in all, I never realised she would do this for me. I treasure her friendship even more than ever since. *sob*
Anyway, the time came and we were taken back stage -more like side stage hidden by beautiful handcrafted wooden large screens. In the dark we got on stage, six of us in total with only a gentleman amongst us. As we stood there smiling in the dark, we waited for the lights to come on, looking down the side at the organiser for his signal to do whatever. Hahah. Then they played this song.....it was slow and lovely and long...... Eventually the lights came on and we stood there grinning as there was nothing else to do and did the princess wave as laughingly gestured by the organiser. The room or shall I say the hall of at least 50 tables of diners was suddenly filled with applause and cheers whilst we soaked in whatever we were supposed to be soaking. So we smiled and waved some more cos the song was really really long..... and somewhere in the din we could hear the emcees going about their colourful repartee about how we were being honoured that night for the years of service we have served the company and this was their token of appreciation. Our VVIP MD was called up to the stage to hand us our framed certificates of appreciation and a lovely glass box on a wooden stand encasing a simple model of our office in the sky.
Yes, we were the honoured retirees that night. Our table was listed as VIP. We were appreciated in a grand scale compared to previous years partly due to someone's realisation to combine it with the annual dinner. Yes, we were honoured retirees, sadly set by company's policy to retire us ladies at such a young age. So quit speculating how OLD I actually am! I am hardly considered old. In fact they say life is just beginning at my age. *wink!*
All in all, it was a beautiful night, the superb performances put up by my ex colleagues was exhilarating and the company at my table was most interesting. I finally have my tokens of appreciation at home and my memories and friendships of my many many friends from work but the sweetest memory of the night would definitely be of my dear friend who fought for me to get on stage with the rest of them. That is priceless. :) Thank you my dear friend. I hope someday I will be able to return the favour. It was certainly an honour to stand retired beside you on stage.